How to Create and Configure User Roles

This article will teach how you to create and configure Roles. To learn how to assign roles to users, please click here.

Roles within Brandscopic are category names of groups of users with the same system permissions. For example, you may want a role Brand Ambassador or Field Director. All users that fall into each of these buckets will have the exact same permissions.

How to Create a New Role

Choose Roles that correlate with your organization and allow you to begin to build an organizational structure for Brandscopic processes. Start to think about which users will collect event data, which users will be responsible for scheduling events, and which will be accountable for reporting.

1. Go to Admin and select Roles. This will take you to a list of all roles currently added to Brandscopic.


 2. Click New Role. A lightbox will appear prompting you to enter a name and description for your new role.

 3. Click Create to be taken to the Role Details page. Here you can begin configuring your new role's permissions.

How to Configure Role Permissions

Each tab at the top of the Role Details page represents a different Brandscopic section. You can specify very granular permissions within each section to give you full control over customizing users' experiences. 

 You can set three different levels of campaign access for each permission. Use the key located in the upper right corner of the Role Details page to determine which level to grant.

  • No Permissions: Users with this role will not have any access to the chosen item
  • My Campaigns: Users in this role will only have access to the chosen item for Campaigns they have been directly given access to
  • All Campaigns: Users in this role will have access to the chosen item for ALL company Campaigns

To Set Role Permissions:

1. Click into the circle next to each item you would like to grant this role access to. Click once to turn on My Campaigns, twice for All Campaigns, and a third time to circle back to No Permissions.

2. Once you've selected permissions within a tab (Dashboard, Events, etc.), click Save at the top of the page to save your configuration. Move along the remaining tabs to complete your Role configuration.

To learn how to assign roles to users, please click here.

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