Navigating the Venues List

The Venues List is a master list of all venues in Brandscopic. This list works in conjunction with google to provide an exhaustive database of locations.

Searching & Filtering

To navigate the Venues List either search directly for your venue using the search box at the top of the page, or use the filters in the right sidebar.

You will notice as you filter that the numbers above the list change - these numbers sum the number of events, hours, and spend of the list below. This is particularly helpful if you need to keep track of any of these factors across filters. For example, if you filter for a specific Area, you will see total spend for that area, etc.


To export the venues from the list, click the export button in the upper right corner. This export respects filters, for example, if you filter for a specific campaign, you will export all of the venues for that campaign.
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