Tracking Activity Status within the Event Details Page

Multiple Entry Activities can be individually submitted, approved and rejected from the event details page. This article will introduce you to the four activity statuses and walk you through navigating the activity list. 


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Tracking Activity Status

Activity status allows you to quickly keep track of event progress. Each multiple entry activity is assigned a status and displayed to the right of the activity name in the activity list view. 



There are four activity statuses: 

1. Approved: These are activities that have been submitted and approved. 

2. Rejected: These are activities that have been submitted and rejected. 

3. Submitted: These are activities that have been completed and submitted. 

4. Unsubmitted: These are activities have been started but not submitted. 


Navigating the Activity List

In addition to activity status, the activity list also provides activity detail information. 

In this view you will find: 

  • The date and time the activity was created
  • The date and time the activity was modified
  • The user that created the activity

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