Activities are a type of form used to collect event data. This article will walk you through how to add fields to activities.
You will also learn:
- How to add conditional logic to fields
- How to set goals
- How to organize, edit and remove fields
For information about creating activities, see Creating Activities or to learn more about embedding activities within an activity, see Embedding Activities.
Adding Fields
1. Select your campaign from the campaigns list in the admin dropdown and click the Activity Builder tab.
2. Use the form builder panel on the right to drag and drop fields into your activity. To expand the field options, click the arrow next to Fields.
From here, you can add fields such as multiple choice questions, dropdown fields, photo attachments or expenses.
3. Once you've dragged your field into the form, click the field to open the field's settings. There are three tabs that allow you to further customize your field:
Basic Settings
1. To name your field, click into the Field Label field.
2. If you have chosen a multiple choice, percentage, dropdown, checkbox or calculation field you can add answer choices by clicking the "+" button and remove options by clicking the "-" button.
3. To require this field, click the checkbox next to Required.
Adding Conditional Logic
1. To add conditional logic to your field, first, select whether you would like to show or hide the field when certain criteria are met.
2. Next, select which question you would the field to be dependent on and which specific answer choice.
For more information about conditional logic, please read our support article BLANK.
Setting Goals